The BHSS Simmental Show and Sale is Saturday, February 4. The show starts at 9am and the sale begins at 1pm.
Simmental Breed Entry Rules
1. All consignments must be registered with the American Simmental Association, 50% blood or greater. Maximum number of entries per consignor are three head, two of which can be bulls.
2. All cattle need to have a green trait status at time of sale and all cattle must be registered with the American Simmental Association at the time of entry.
3. All Simmental entries must be first owner.
4. No adhesive on legs.
Barn Arrival: Thursday, Feb 2, 6PM
Breed Reps: Kristi Effling, 605-769-1308
Jeremy Lehrman, 605-530-5909
Jock Beeson, 308-430-2117